ADHD and Multitasking: Juggling Like a Pro

The Truth About ADHD and Multitasking

ADHD and multitasking – the “will they, won’t they” of the real Neurodivergent world.

It’s something that people always assume isn’t ideal for people with ADHD, but it can be a source of strength.

So, hold onto your hats, because I’m about to debunk some ADHD myths faster than you can close this tab. Let’s be honest, I know you have at least 27 open, and this is just another that’s ready to be left and forgotten… So read on!

Your ADHD Myths Debunked

Myth #1: ADHD means you can’t focus

Sure, our attention might have a mind of its own sometimes. The “Oooh, shiny!” moments are a genuine struggle, but that doesn’t mean people with ADHD can’t focus. It just means we have a special talent for focusing on multiple things simultaneously.

Focus Just Focus

It’s like having a superpower, but no, I don’t think ADHD in general is a superpower… Just go with me for a moment. Imagine instead of flying, we can simultaneously listen to a podcast, write an email, and plan our next holiday when the flow is right. The neurodivergents here will have already mouthed “hyperfocus” before reaching this sentence because we know it, we live it, and it’s a genuine force for good when the right environment/brakes are in place.

When we can tap into it, we absorb information like nerdy little sponges until we are masters of our chosen topic and get stuff done like you’ve never seen before.

So please don’t talk to me about attention and deficits. There’s no deficit when it’s something that gets all the bells and whistles going.

Myth #2: Multitasking is always efficient

Have you ever tried cooking dinner while answering emails and watching cat videos? Yeah, it’s a recipe for disaster.

Multitasking might make us feel like productivity superstars some days, but let’s be real: Sometimes, it’s more like juggling knives blindfolded.

It’s fun and looks really cool in some situations, but it scares the dog and is not exactly efficient at chopping onions, which is what you’re actually meant to be doing.

Myth #3: Procrastination isn’t productive

We’re also prone to productive procrastination, so we might be bouncing around doing lots of things to avoid something else.

Does that proposal need writing? Well, I better find the best pen so I can write out things first, the one that doesn’t bleed on the paper. I also need to colour-code my notes for easier reading in a brand-new notebook from Japan that’s not arriving until next month…

Sometimes, fooling ourselves into thinking we’re doing something other than what we’re supposed to be doing is enough to motivate us to do many things.

It doesn’t make it the right thing to do, but it can be as simple as putting out the bins.

So while I do that, I will feed the cats, make a coffee, take my vitamins, and text the person I wanted to catch up with. And I can tell you now that the texting and the vitamins are usually the things that I always delay, but the time it takes for the kettle to boil is a great motivator.

It’s called habit stacking, where you tag little things on top of what you need to do, and it’s always worth a try!

Enhancing Productivity with ADHD

So, how do I turn my multitasking chaos into productivity gold? I have a couple of ways that I think work pretty well. Now, they aren’t perfect, but they’re definitely a good place to start.

Embrace the chaos

Instead of fighting our tendency to jump from task to task, why not lean into it? Embrace the chaos and ride the wave of productivity. Maybe try setting timers or challenges to get tasks or task parts done. That’s what I did with this blog post. Get it written before the takeaway arrives at the front door.

I’ve even got a special Chomp it button on my Stream Deck, which is an animated Pacman. I press it, and it starts a countdown timer for ten minutes. I basically challenge myself to get the thing done in that timer, and it gives me a little moment that can only be represented by this exact meme.

Prioritise ruthlessly

With a million things vying for our attention, it’s essential to prioritise like our sanity depends on it (spoiler alert: it probably does). Focus on what truly matters and let the rest fade into the background noise. It’s always good to remember that if everything is important, then nothing is.

I am DREADFUL at this, so I have different levels of scoring in my to-do lists and columns for days! 

I have Forks (how many forks I’ll have to give), Levels (high-low, sidequest, theme), Pinned, Due Dates, Links to my accountability coaching, days of the week I would like this to be the focus. All sorts!

That way, if I’ve got no forks to give, I want to do something creative, I’m short on time, and it’s a Thursday, I can look at my tasks by what will add forks, what’s a high priority (not a sidequest), what I would like my Thursdays to be about, and what’s the most urgent.

It’s a classic if you’re not shy of the language!

Break it down

Big tasks can feel overwhelming, especially when our brains do the cha-cha slide with a dozen other thoughts (apologies for that earworm…).

Break tasks into bite-sized chunks and conquer them one step at a time. Think of Brucey with his chocolate cake in Matilda. One bite at a time. You can do it, Bruce!

Some people like the frog analogy, which states that if you had to eat a frog every day, it would be best to start with the frog, and then you have your whole day ahead of you. But when that’s not ok, finding the chocolate and some low-hanging fruit is ok.

One of my favourite low-energy tasks is checking my task list. There’s usually stuff in there that I’ve done already, and that’s past Sam inadvertently giving current Sam the boost she needs to help future Sam eat the frog tomorrow.

Body Double the hell out of it!

When I can’t seem to get where I need to be with things, I body double it. It’s super efficient for Neurodivergent brains and just helps you get things done!

One option if you need a bit of help working from home but can’t get a buddy to body double with is to get up and out to a nice coffee shop or co-working space. You’ll soon be going through your task list!

Alternatively, get in touch, as we also offer Body Doubling here!

Also, we’ve got a referral code for Flown if you’d like to try that out!

ADHD and multitasking might seem like fish fingers and custard, but together, they’re a force to be reckoned with.

It’s about time we embraced our quirks, debunked the myths that surround us, and show the world what we can do.

One hyperfocus at a time.

Hyperfocus Coaster

Thank you!

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Sam Company Owner
I've been called the Swiss Army knife of business, and I'm here to help you get where you need to be. Having got to the top of my game (not the game, my game), I decided it was time for a change. I founded Create Better Things Ltd with a vision to help myself and others thrive.